To increase the Operational Functionality our Mobile app is Running
1000+ Devices all over India
Integrated Mobile App
Enjoy easy access to information with the mobile app for iOS and Android – wherever you are, anytime of the day or night.

Our Mobile integrated app is the process of interconnecting one app to other ERP modules for optimizing and exchanging data and work flows, often using app features. Such an approach enables flexibility of various business processes and offers convenience to end-users.
Key Benefits of Mobile ERP App for iOS and Android for your Company
Other Features
- Time reporting: Mobile time card entry immediately updates from anywhere, at any time.
- Approvals: Review and complete approvals for time, expense and sales orders in just a few clicks.
- Task management: Create task in the mobile app and edit it from the ERP later.
- No cost to you: Download the app for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play.
- Mobile push notifications: Notifications of business activities are pushed to mobile app users. For example, this feature can be used to notify sales people of new opportunities.